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Years Prep to 6


What your child will receive:

  • Empowering students to take control of their learning and provide them with confidence

  • Students will attend weekly classes and be given clear instructions and explanations to develop knowledge 

  • Guidance to tackle homework tasks to reinforce learning and practice what they have been taught  

  • Classes can be shared with family or friends. This to be arranged by the students



Years 7 to 10

What your child will receive:

  • Empowering students to take control of their learning and provide them with confidence

  • Students will attend weekly classes and be given homework to help consolidate their learning and practice what they have been taught 

  • An on-going tutoring program to assist students work toward their learning goals and achieve excellence 

  • Guidance on subject selection 

  • Tailored feedback on specific aspects of the curriculum to further develop strengths and work on areas of improvement 

  • Practical examples provided to consolidate learning and allow practicing concepts outside of the classroom

  • ​Classes can be shared with family or friends. This to be arranged by the students



Years 11 and 12 (VCE)

What your child will receive:

  • Classes are designed and modeled based on the syllabus provided by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority is the official government entity responsible for administration of the Victorian Certificate of Education and student assessment leading to the ATAR (formerly ENTER)

  • Individualised learning programs tailored for each student to ensure success for all learning capabilities

  • Work on past exams and provide tailored feedback to further develop strengths and work on areas of improvement 

  • Proofreading and editing of essays and assignments

  • Work on Text Response, Context Essays and Language Analysis 

  • Students will attend weekly classes and be given homework to reinforce learning and prepare for the next class 

  • Guidance on subject and course selection and university pathway options 

  • Assistance with Resume and Cover Letter writing and interview preparation 

  • Flexible tuition session times to suit student schedules 

  • ​Classes can be shared with family or friends. This to be arranged by the students


Would you like more information?


2020 STUDENT PROOF'D.  The proof is in our students. 

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